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Thousands of Apple Macbook owners are campaigning for action over reported issues with the laptop’s retina screen .They are reporting horrific stains spreading across screens, in the forms of spots and patches。数千名苹果电脑用户因报导的视网膜屏幕问题,联合采行了行动。他们回应屏幕上经常出现了“可怕的斑迹”,或是斑点或是斑块。
Phi Chong, a software engineer, told the BBC he has had to replace his screen twice in the last two years. He said he had been told Apple would not carry out further screen repairs。软件工程师Phi Chong拒绝接受BBC专访时说,过去两年间,被迫替换两次屏幕。此外,他还被告诉,苹果公司将仍然对屏幕展开更进一步修理。
The firm told the users should contact its Apple support centre.One Macbook repair specialist indicated that this was not a common problem.But users who have been affected are concerned they will face expensive service fees once their warranties and/or extended AppleCare protection plans expire。公司告诉他用户不应联系苹果反对中心。一名苹果电脑修理专家回应这并非是常见问题。但是不受影响的用户担忧,一旦远超过保修期,将面对高昂的修理费用。
A website called Staingate has been set up by a group unhappy with Apple’s response. Some of them say they have been told they will have to pay $800 for repair work。一些对苹果公司期望反感的用户创立了网页Staingate。
其中一些人回应被告诉将缴纳800美元的修理费用。A Facebook group formed by people experiencing problems with their Macbook screens has 1,752 members, and Staingate claims to have been contacted by more than 2,500 people so far.US legal firm Whitfield Bryson Mason has contacted the Facebook group offering to investigate。
1752名苹果电脑经常出现问题的用户联合构成了一个脸书网的组织,网站 Staingate。该网站回应到目前为止有2500人互相联系。
美国律师事务所Whitfield Bryson Mason已开始与该脸书网的组织联系,获取调查。The group has also set up a petition on the Change.org website which asks Apple chief executive Tim Cook to take immediate action to address the issue.Some people say problems with the screen can start appearing within a few months of purchasing the laptops。该的组织还在网站Change.org上,发动抗议活动,拒绝苹果总裁 Tim Cook早已“立刻采取行动”。
一些人回应出售之后的几个月中,屏幕就不会经常出现问题。While many people on the Facebook page are reporting that Apple stores around the world - including in Berlin, Hong Kong and New Zealand - are agreeing to carry out free screen repairs outside the warranty period, others said they had been told it was cosmetic damage, which is not usually covered。但是很多人在脸书网页上回应全球各地的苹果官营地,如柏林、香港以及新西兰的苹果专卖店都表示同意在保修期外为用户获取免费屏幕修理,但是也有人回应这归属于“外表受损”,不还包括在修理范围内。
Apple has not confirmed whether there is an issue with the screens, or what might be causing the damage. Its 2013 models seem to be worst affected, but there are online forums discussing the problem dating back to 2009.苹果公司还并未证实屏幕否有问题,或者导致这种问题的原因。2013年的屏幕受损最相当严重,但是2009年时网上就有网络论坛回应展开探究。Customers who experience problems with their Apple products should contact AppleCare, a spokesperson told the BBC。