

:金年会 :2024-11-05
本文摘要:We always make the point that, outside overt vitamin deficiencies for specific vitamins, which is kind of rare, just take in multivitamins there’s no evidence they will provide any benefits to your healthcare. And in fact lots of the studies which have been done have actually shown there’s a slight increase in cancers for taking multivitamins.我们始终认为,当人有显著的对某种微量维生素缺少的症状时,有适当不吃些综合维生素剂。

We always make the point that, outside overt vitamin deficiencies for specific vitamins, which is kind of rare, just take in multivitamins there’s no evidence they will provide any benefits to your healthcare. And in fact lots of the studies which have been done have actually shown there’s a slight increase in cancers for taking multivitamins.我们始终认为,当人有显著的对某种微量维生素缺少的症状时,有适当不吃些综合维生素剂。除此之外,没证据指出,综合维生素剂会给身体健康带给益处。

事实上,很多研究指出,服用综合维生素剂与患癌之间还有一点联系。So what does Dr. Brassy tell his patients?那么,Brassy医生是怎样叮嘱他的病人的呢?In the absence of any evidence, we do supply them if people really insist, but we certainly don’t offer them on a routine basis and we don’t really recommend them.由于没证据(证明服用综合维生素剂危害),病人坚决要的话,我们不会给他们进些综合维生素剂,但我们大自然会常常进给他们,也不引荐他们服用。So what can we do, how can we make sure we get all the vitamins we need to stay healthy?那我们该怎么做呢,我们怎么样才能确保不缺少维生素,维持身体健康呢?Lots of studies have shown over and over again, that a balanced diet will provide all the vitamins that a human needs under normal circumstances, and really its only in certain kind of very specific medical conditions that people do need to take vitamin supplements, from our point of view.诸多研究已再三指出,在长时间情况下,平衡的饮食可以获取人体所需的所有维生素。依我们所闻,只有在某些极为类似的医疗条件下,人们才必须补足维生素。

And a balanced diet means a bit of everything.嗯,平衡的饮食真为类似于打开身体健康之门的万能钥匙。

